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Tools & Tips

Discover practical, real-life insights and tips to help make your day-to-day a little smoother.

Activities You Can Do

Find something to celebrate

Celebrate for any reason, big or small... including National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day 🎉🥂🎶

Family dinner celebration with the group taking a selfie shot
Take a drive

Go for a drive, enjoy the sky, have a picnic, listen to music, and catch a local sports game. 🚗🌅🍔🎶⚽

Connect with animals

Spend time with animals: Walk a pet, visit a dog park, watch funny animal videos, or go to the zoo. 🐾🐶🐱🦁🦓

border collie smiling at the camera

Reduce your Risk

Get Mobile

And no, we don’t mean get a better phone. You’ve heard it before, exercise counts. It delivers more oxygen to your brain and supports the nerve cells responsible for learning, memory and decision-making.

Get enough Zs

Sleep is essential for your brain to rest, recharge and perform key functions to keep your body healthy.

Eat your veg

We know you know this. But at the risk of being a broken record, (and to give you that friendly nudge), be sure to get enough plant-based foods into your belly. Many doctors promote the Mediterranean diet for healthy brains.

Socialize with others

Connect with people, have conversations and make new connections. Your mood, as well as your brain, will thank you.

Reduce your stress levels

Easier said than done, right? It’s important to do self-care, set realistic goals and boundaries, improve your time management and more. But it’s not always that simple. Feeling overwhelmed? We can help you with that.

‘Strain’ your brain

When you do things that are challenging for your brain, you help form new connections and increase your ‘cognitive reserve’. Stretch your brain beyond the things you do everyday. If it’s easy, familiar or repetitive, try doing something new.

Brain-Stretching Suggestions

Dive into Brain-Boosting Games

Games like Wordle, sudoku, chess, crossword puzzles, and word searches. Brain teasers challenge your logic and problem-solving.

Challenge Your Norms

Do daily tasks with your opposite hand. If you’re right-handed, brush your teeth with your left, and so on.

Learn Something New

Explore new things, like learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, delving into a fresh hobby or sport, or enriching your knowledge.

Articles For All

5 Signs You Could Use More Support

‍Do any of these questions sound like your inside voice right now? If so, you're not alone...

Thanks, Calgary, for your recent efforts

You shared your stories, helped spread the word, and even raised funds for the cause

5 Tips to Help Reduce Your Risk

If you're focused on eating better, moving more, or reducing your stress, you’re already on your way to reducing your risk.

Keep the 'happy' in any holiday

A guide for anyone touched by dementia during a holiday season. Find balance and happiness, and avoid burnout.

Book ideas to help children understand dementia

If you have young kids, it can be tough to explain symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, particularly if you’re struggling to understand it yourself.

Are you living on a ‘lonely planet’?

You’re probably not imagining it. Your social circle may have shrunk or slimmed down.


Fundamentals for a Great Visit

Essential tips for meaningful visits. Learn about timing, the use of photos and just being in the moment sometimes.

Body Language Tips for a Great Visit

Did you know? Most human communication doesn’t happen through words.

Practical Suggestions for a Great Visit

Offering choices, asking yes or no questions, and breaking things down into steps can help.